Our production capabilities are focused on the following sectors: energy, automotive, industrial air conditioning, and specialty industrial supplies and PPE.
Our network of audited production facilities are located in China and India.
Our technical and production team is specialized in the following process: DYE casting, forging, extrusion, machining, plastic injection, high-pressure aluminum injection, rolling and special assembly lines.
In addition, we work with industrial materials, non-ferrous metals, ferrous metals and plastic materials.
We manufacture on demand, according to technical sheets or certified specialized standards.
For a result of maximum precision, we offer the possibility of executing different production processes, in different locations, for subsequent assembly. With the option of assembly prior to shipment, or assembly in the country of destination, adapting to costs and needs.
Send us your questions in this form and we will solve them as soon as possible.
Nuestra cadena de suministro se basa en la innovación, la calidad, la transparencia, la eficiencia y flexibilidad. Colección de tejidos propia, desde algodón sostenible hasta tejidos técnicos a partir de material reciclado.
El equipo de PINEXPORTS textil analiza las últimas tendencias y colabora como partner con nuestros clientes para el diseño de cada colección textil y de accesorios.